what are good exercises for arms?

a topic in the General Ballet & Dance Forum

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  • #4564


    im not trying to buff up or anything but i would like some nice toned arms for once!! any advice??



    Hi kellie! i sometimes use light weights and do exercises with those. it wont bulk you up and will help with toning if you do enough reps. i also started taking pilates recently and love love it! thats good for all around toning :-)



    Thanks! i never thought of pilates but now im kinda interested!!



    I like to take my resistance band and, holding it taught behind me, straighten my arms and then bend them to 90 degrees about 25 times. You should hold your arms above and slightly behind your head, elbows bet at 90 degrees, fists furthest up toward the sky. It works out your arms, and it also develops and warms up your upper and lower back muscles. Great for arabesques and finding the muscles you should be using to correctly hold your arms.



    Isometric exercises work good for this.



    Just circle your arms a few minutes without bending them. After a while it really hurts, so listen to a motivating song while exercising. It is a really good exercise for arms in ballet though.

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