Keep Your Chin Level for Easier Spotting
Christopher Ellis
By Christopher Ellis on January 07th, 2016

Thinking of keeping your chin level will translate to a better aligned head and neck, which makes your spot smoother and pirouettes easier.

Your head and neck play a big role in allowing you to to turn and spot.  In order for this to be a fluid and efficient movement (that is also easier to balance and continue turning with) the line of your chin needs to be parallel with the floor. When the line of your chin is parallel, it means your head can turn around your neck more smoothly.  Try not to dip your chin, or have it too high, or it will throw off your alignment and make it harder to balance and turn your axis.

This tip is really keeping your head and neck better aligned, but many dancers find its easier to think about the position of their chin.

About the Author: Christopher Ellis

Christopher Ellis
Chris was a professional ballet dancer for 12 years, dancing at Orlando Ballet, Colorado Ballet, and BalletMet, where he enjoyed performing a variety of soloist and featured roles in classical and contemporary ballets. He trained at Metropolitan Ballet Theatre in Atlanta, GA. Currently, Chris is the Editor of