How to say & pronounce Balloné:


What does Balloné translate to?


The term balloné in classical ballet technique is step where the leg is extended to the second or fourth position (front, side or back) at 45 degrees; then the knee is bent and the foot brough to a sur le cou-de-pied position.  At 45 degrees, it is called petit balloné and when done at 90 degrees, grande balloné.

Balloné in Ballet Class

Balloné is very common in a ballet class, typically done at barre as part of a frappe combination.  It is also seen commonly during a petite allegro.

Balloné on Stage

Balloné can also be seen in many women’s variations in classical ballet.

Forms of Balloné

Balloné comes in many other forms.  You can learn more about different types of ballonés below.

Coupé Balloné

Coupé Balloné means a “balloné cut.”  This term is widely used in the Russian School.  A coupé balloné consists of a coupé dessous followed by a fouetté movement with a temps levé on the supporting leg.

Pas Balloné

Pas Balloné means “bouncing step” and is when a dancer jumps into the air extending one leg to the front, side or back, and lands with the extended leg in either a sur le cou-de-pied or retiré position.

Balloné Battu

Balloné Battu is a “beaten balloné” where a dancer will balloné to the side in a jump, then before landing in cou-de-pied, beats the bottom leg behind the extended leg at the height of the jump, then landing with the second, beating leg in cou-de-pied.