Anyone nervous about auditions???

a topic in the Summer Programs Forum

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  • #6965


    Summer program auditions are coming up!! ahhh! this happens every year, i get nervous and don’t end up doing so well. im always so relaxed in regular classes but for some reason auditions get the best of me :(



    Take a moment and relax! It’s okay to feel nervous before auditions, its normal, but try not to let them get the best of you. Try to think of an audition as just another class and dance away :)



    I used to get so nervous at auditions because all i did was look at the other dancers. This made me really nervous because i thought everyone was so much better than me and i would start messing up even the most simple combos. once I stopped watching everyone else, i became much more calm at SP auditions :)



    Wow thanks guys. i know my teacher tries to tell all of us to relax, but its just hard in a room full of a bunch of new dancers.

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