How can i improve my acting?

a topic in the Students Forum

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  • #6790


    Hey everyone! I in a place with my training where i want to start improve my artistic side. I want to be able to be more expressive and not just always worry about pointing my feet and turning out ( which i know is totally important!)…

    Im wondering if there is a way that i can start trying to learn more ways be artistic so i can be a better actor.



    Hi.. I love acting on stage and being really expressive when I dance! What I found that helped me was that I watched a ton of youtube videos of other famous dancers and really tried to learn from them. I would love to see more live shows but videos are also a great tool to help. You don’t have to be a copycat and be exactly like one dancer. Take what you like and try to apply it to your dancing. It really does help!



    Thats true! I watch youtube all the time but i mostly watch it to learn more technical things like turning but for some reason i never thought to look for videos with more acting. thanks! :)



    Acting can be a hard thing, especially on stage. Movements have to be bigger so people watching from the back of the theater can still see it. I like to experiment with doing things in the studio and watching myself in the mirror. It helps to see what your doing to make sure it makes sense!



    You do have to make bigger movements than you think! Always make sure that even though you want to be artistic that what your doing is reading how you want it to and its clear what your trying to say.



    These are good tips! Thanks guys!!



    I abosolutely LOVE expressing myself on stage. I really do this by lifting up in my chest and chin. I just let loose and dance. Don’t try to think about the negatives and how you have to do this and this and all that stuff. As long as you know what you’re doing, you can be free to dance. I hope this helps! :)

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