Plastic vs normal shanks

a topic in the Pointe Forum

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  • #6778


    Hi everyone. long story short i need to wear gaynor mindens now and im sure everyone knows they have plastic shanks. theyre really hard to break in for some reason maybe because ive been wearing freeds for almost 5 years.

    my feet are okay, they arent super amazing but i can easily get over my box in my freeds and in these but they just feel kinda wierd. does anyone else have this same problem with gaynors? i get why they use plastic they just dont break in easy maybe



    I know how you feel, they are reallly different. i had to start wearing gaynors because my feeet are so flexible that other shoes only last me a couple weeks and my parents couldnt believe it so we went to a dance store downtown to try some gaynor mindens.

    keep trying though, and youll eventually get used to them and figure out how to break them in. i have to do a few classes before they feel okay and thats after walking around the house in them for a couple days! :) lots of professional dancers wear gaynors so they are good shoes just different than freeds, blochs or all the other ones.



    Yea i tried to break them in before using them in class. i just couldnt do anything in class and they feel like im wearing huge clunker shoes now!



    Are you sure you have the right size? They shouldnt feel huge.



    im pretty sure these are the right size. holding them up to my freeds, they are the same length and width. ill just need to get used to them. atleast theyll last a lot longer.



    It could also be that they just don’t fit your feet well. Everyone’s feet are different and it’s not practical think you can wear any type of shoe.. This is usually why a pointe shoe company will even have multiple styles. Im not sure if Gaynor does or not, since I’ve never worn them.

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