Stretching my splits

a topic in the Students Forum

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  • #4582


    Hi guys, i’m juliet! i’m a ballet student who is looking for better flexibility…i mean who isnt really?! I’m proud to say that i almost have my splits!! been stretching like crazy and actually the video ballethub video on splits helps a lot.. i have the most trouble with my center split… any tips would help ;)



    Hey juliet!! I know all about center splits trouble! my hips arent the most flexible thing lol :) have you tried laying on your back against a wall and stretching your split with light weights on your legs?? gravity can help lol



    I have done that stretch but not with the weights… good idea!!



    Hold your splits for a long time and your muscles with relax after 30 seconds. As long as you keep it up and not take long breaks without stretches you will eventually get them. I am very flexible but I certainly had to work hard for it. As said in another reply, gravity splits is an excellent choice. It takes time so be patient and just keep it up you’ll get it don’t worry! :)

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