Would teens like fun music for ballet class?

a topic in the Teachers Forum

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  • #6935


    Hello! I am a ballet teacher and teach a wide variety of ages. My toughest class to keep interesting and challenging is my teenage mild level who really just take ballet for either fun or to help with their jazz. I was thinking that they might really enjoy taking class to fun, current music once or twice a week. Nothing too crazy like rap but just some fun music to keep them excited about their ballet class.



    I think that is a great idea! Im a student and would really love those class with fun music!! Ballet class can be boring ( sorry!) especially the same old piano music all the time. Even if its music from broadway musicals i think that would totally be something different and fun for your students :)



    Thank you for your input! I thought this would probably be a good idea and would make for a fun ballet class with a bit more variety for music.



    Hi! I’m a teacher as well and might steal this idea! It really could make ballet more fun for students who want to do it more recreationally. You can even ask them what they would want to dance to and have their input so that they feel very involved and even more excited about it!



    Great idea to ask them what they like and what they would want to take class to! I’m glad you think this is a good idea and you might do it as well. Let me know how it goes! I’ve made a good mix CD I think so far.



    Hi, I’m a teen ballet student. My teacher is quite a character, which is reflected in the music he uses. Whenever we don’t have a live pianist, he uses CDs that have piano arrangements of pop songs, Disney songs, TV theme songs, and some tangos and mambos. Sometimes, it’s annoying, but a lot of the times it’s just funny to be dancing to some unexpected songs. If you have a live pianist, maybe request some musical songs? But never forget the importance of the classics.

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