Tell Your Dancing Story Here!

a topic in the Adults in Dance Class Forum

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  • #2877


    Hi! I just wanted to get the ball rolling here in this group. I thought it might be nice to share the stories or reasons why we chose to take ballet classes as adults. Did you always want to take dance as a child? Did you dance growing up? Looking to get fit?

    I am returning to dance after having danced for over 10 years in my youth 25 years ago. I have missed it so much over this time and I want to get back to doing something I love and to get back into shape. I start my first class on August 19th! I can hardly wait and feel almost giddy to get back into the studio.

    So what’s your story?



    I danced as a child and teenager until the age of about 18. I came back to ballet 9 years ago at the age of 47, primarily for fitness reasons. I rediscovered my passion for the art, and now do 11 classes per week, and have also started teaching adult classes at one of the premier daily dance studios in the area. I can’t believe now that I was away from it for so long! I am definitely a happier, fitter, thinner person than I was in the years without ballet.



    Hi everyone!

    I started taking a ballet class at my daughter’s school last year. I never took it as a child or teen, just didn’t have the opportunity. It’s great because the class is at 9 AM on Mondays, fits right into my schedule and perfect for starting the week off!

    The class hasn’t been in session during the kid’s summer, so I too am waiting a few more weeks before getting back in to it. I hope you have fun with it!



    Well I have recently started taking classes a few months, I have always wanted to practice ballet since I was a child, but I didn’t have the time, but now at my 20 years I decided to start my dream. In the 5 month I’ve been in a dance school I have made a lot of progress. I love ballet and I considerate it as a good way to express the feelings that one has inside :)



    Sounds great everyone! I too have started adult ballet classes, but they only offer them once per week. I work in retail and almost always in the evening leaving my mornings wide open for ballet. Ill need to find somewhere else to take more classes I suppose!



    I am a male in my mid 50’s. A few years ago I lost a lot of weight and got into decent shape. I started watching ballet on you tube and realized ballet dancers are truly athletes with exceptional talent. With encouragement from my wife I signed up for a ballet class at the Y. I enjoy it immensely and plan to keep going. I am the only male in the class and the other students and instructor are very accommodating. Ballet where have you been all my life.


    Ana Tomicic
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