Submit an Article for Consideration

If your article has been proof-read and follows the writing guidlines for BalletHub, please submit it using the form below.  The editor will be in touch soon, usually within 14 days.

Thank you for submitting, we look forward to reading your work!

Your Information

Your Name *

Your Email *

BalletHub Account Username


Article Topic

Article Upload (must be in .doc, .docx or .rtf format)

Images (optional, must be in .jpg or .png format, max 5MB per image)

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Image 4:


Anything else we need to know?

By checking this box and submitting this form, I am confirming that I have read and agree to the BalletHub Guidelines for Writers, claim this is my own work that is free of plagiarism, have ownership and/or permission to use images (if applicable) and give BalletHub the exclusive rights for publishing original work and use of all material.