The powerhouse couple of Maria Kochetkova and Daniil Simkin deliver a beautiful performance of the Le Corsaire pas de deux.  As you can imagine, the pas de deux is flawless and shows off the dancers’ technical ease.  Daniil displays his usual beautiful pirouettes ending on balance with precise control and ends his variation near perfectly.  Maria looks strong and dances her variation with the same ease as Daniil, making each turn look like a cake walk.  Daniil starts this Le Corsaire coda with three brilliant 540s before going into a marvelous manege of barrel turns.

Enjoy this beautiful video of the Le Corsaire Pas de Deux danced by Maria Kochetkova and Daniil Simkin!

This page features a ballet video titled Le Corsaire Pas de Deux danced by Maria Kochetkova & Daniil Simkin. The ballet dancers appearing in this ballet video include Daniil Simkin, Maria Kochetkova.